Making Homemade French Toast Easily

Sunday, 23 December 2012

I have never been much of a cook or a baker but one thing that I could always make is French Toast. However , I have just recently learned to bake my own bread. One Sunday my wife was not feeling well so she went to take a nap. That left me to provide dinner for the entire family. My|Healthcare professional|Personal|My own, personal|Search terms|My own , personal|Medical professional|Published|Health care provider|My business|All of my|Of my|Excellent|My own personal|Keyword phrases|A|Offered|Economical|Day-to-day|Web page} fallback meal is usually cereal or French Toast but a quick inventory of the kitchen showed me that there wasn't enough milk for cereal and there wasn't any bread. That is when I decided to try my new baking skills and make some bread from scratch. After all, I thought homemade bread would probably make French toast even better.

I made the homemade bread from start to finish in about an hour using a simple recipe with some high powered instant yeast and lecithin. These two ingredients mix together and make bread really easy and really fast. The lecithin makes the dough really smooth and it made my|healthcare professional|personal|my own, personal|search terms|my own , personal|medical professional|published|health care provider|my business|all of my|of my|excellent|my own personal|keyword phrases|a|offered|economical|day-to-day|web page} loaf look professional.

One thing about making breakfast from scratch is that the whole kitchen smells like delicious fresh baked bread before you even start on the toast. The downside of this is that your kids may think that dinner is ready before you start on the toast. My kids came running to the kitchen ready to eat at this point.

Once the bread was baked and the kitchen was full of the wonderful homemade bread aroma, I stared on the French Toast. I created my special concoction to dunk the bread in by mixing or blending 6 eggs, 1/2 cup cream or milk, a little vanilla, and my special ingredient, a drop or two of almond extract together. My kids love the smell of the almond extract mixed with the vanilla. I think I had them ready to eat at this point.

I sliced one of the loaves and set my electric griddle to medium (I always start the oven or the griddle later than I should in the process), and sprayed it with cooking spray. I then dipped the bread slices in the egg mixture and put them on the griddle. Then I sprinkled cinnamon on each side as I flipped them. (I like them to be slightly browned on each side when I flip them)


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